counting down, 3 days later.

I always loveee to see design of home, I really enjoyed spent my time just to see book of design home.I've just come accross so manny lovely apartment, but this apartment is really got my eyes...I'm kind a bit of jealous with her apartment..and how she has been so creative, all she did is really awesome..

I love every detail of her DIY, I lovee all her stuffs. she really inspired me to do something similar :)
I showed it to my mom, because she really good on sew..But she said she too bussy to teach me..hmpf..I really regret, this holiday i supposed to do something usefull, not just playing arround..
time is flying so faaaaasssst....

Aku ingin begini aku ingin begitu*so manny things I want*

Heyy fellas! how's your holiday? I hope you have a great holiday like mine...!Yaaay...I had great holiday, so much fun here..And I really don't want to go back to college.. I'm too happy playing around..

There are so manny things that pop in my mind lately like I want this things, and I want that things..and alsoo that!! I'm a person that if I want something I must get it NOW...!
But I know some of them i can't get it right now, soo I just can write it, at least it makes me feel relieve.

i want it

Here's the 6 things I came up with:

1.I wish time move morree slowly
Do you feel the same as me, like time is moving so fasssst...hence,if you are being happy, whyy times moving soo fasst..? I looveee my holiday so much! less problem, less stress, there are so much fun, joy and laughter. My holiday rooocks! I know I know I must go back to Jakarta, I just don't want to leave them.

2.Going abroad!

I want it so badddlyyy....See another country, nice traveling, meet new people, take photos.
I want an awesome vacay!My mom promised me that we will take vacation in next holiday, I hope she will keep her promise.

3.BIG hug!
hahahah..I don't know why, I like hugging so muchh.I'm huggable.. :D
Huugie makes you feel relieved, feel better, and totally helps you to forget all of your problem..hufff...
That's why I have 3 bosters,3 pillow, 2 little bosters, 3 huge dolls in my bed! yahh...when I am sad or crying I must grab something to hug... and I have one little pillow it is really comfy,stinky,old,warm..I loveeee it soo mucchh..I bring it everywhere,in my flight, watching TV,do my assigments,even when I was too scared to go to toilet in the middle of the night.. :D
It really worked when you are in a bad situation.

4.Ne yo album
I adore this guy so badly... I love his moves, his music and of course lyrics of his songs, His songs is easy listening, but it always touching :)
couple days ago I searched his new songs, and he has so manny song,but still single.Perhaps, he will make a new album.When it comes,I will grab it immediately!

5.Food food food!
yahh..I want to eat so manny food right now.especially Malang's food!before I go back to Jakarta I must eat eat eat....I want them all like in a big table,and I just grab everything I want until I get full..

6.I want to go back to college.
Like I told you before, I'm just totally happy in my holiday.BIG happy!

Soo do you have wish list like mine too? I tag anyone who wants to make it.

BIG huggiiieee....:))


Finaaaally I transformed my blog header,actually I've made this for a long long time, but I'm too lazy to finished it..hehe..So tonight I push my self to finish my unfinished took about 3 hours, yaahh I 'm a really slow person :(
Sooo goodbyee my previous header....You've made my blog gorgeous, but sorry I've made another gorgeous header :D

Soo heree it is my new header..jreng jreeng.....*
More colourfull!! :))

Eh!before I hit my bed, I want to say thankyou for you all who read my blog, eventough maybe you unintentionally caught my blog or lost in here.
I appreciate it soo muchh that you've read my really made my day and of course makes me keep blogging. Please leave me comment or you can click in my reaction box. :D
Morrrning :) *ooh I'm still awake in the middle of the night,again!*

Much much better!

Yaayy finnaly I had a great dinner that I've been waiting for.. I really wanted to have dinner in this restaurant,L'amour..I'm so bored with the same old food, the same old places in Malang. It's been ages since I went there..So I want to go to that place again..
This place is really great, vintage but this place is too dark,for me some places look like scary.The restaurant is connected with Hotel Tugu, that connection through a hall way call Sahara. This hall way was poorly lit, they use blue lamps! totaly horror! And before you reach the lobby of the hotel Tugu, You must walk through a room full old pictures, antique stuffs, vintage stuffs, from China, Javanese, Holland. For me it wass sooo scary! I've cried before because my cousin showed me a picture of looong haired lady wear white dress...I was so shocked!But that was way back:) Silly me.

Because our routinite we rarely meet, but yesterday Alx asked me to dinner in this place.Yaay! I was soo happy!
I've been so addicted to photography I always bring my Goldie*my pocket cam*everywhere,I don't want to miss any moment...soo here are some photos... :)

bread stick

My meal, entrecote aux holland.The taste was so..

Gigot d agneu
I tried his meal ,lamb,he ordered medium rare andd the taste was yuckkk! I spilled it out...!it was so rare, you can smell the scent of the lamb!Ukhhh...The taste wass so terible..I crinkle my nose when I wrote this, I can still feel the tastee... dem!

For me the dinner was terrible, because I'm not so sastified with the meal. But I heart the desert! I always love the desert in here, last time I ate creme brulee,it was so tasty.Last night I ate chocolate lava explosion, sooo delicious !

I can still feel the chocolate melting in my mouth.yuuumyy!

Look! what's behind mee??!

Actually the lighting was darker, looked spooky :)
So we looked for the light switch of lamp, and there was soo manny switches,
so we find the right one.We push all the switches randomly,nothing worked.But the light just get messed up.Yahh..the lighting got better than before..

Alx said it is his favourite.He said the picture was so perfect

Orange hall way

We explored this hotel, we looked around..Found so many things, scary spa,meeting room, president suite room, it was not look like luxurious room it looked like horror! spooky for me..
But I seriously enjoyed it so much...!We had so much fun...Dinner plus exploring.. :D
After some explored I found that this place is not scary at all.It was marvelous actually.

This song is really me!

"I Know I'm Usually Hanging On
I Used To Hate To See You Gone
But This Time It's Different
I Don't Even Feel The Distance
I'm Not Missing, I'm Not Missing You"

wake me up when everything is end


until I can't cry anymore, I didn't cry like always, I thought that it is the best for us. Maybe.

I don't know how it can all happened..

Is it still the "nothing" that we always argue?

We always can talk and solve aaaaallllll,yes all the problem.

Silence and running are the stupid things!

All you do just waste the time.

Tell me when it is over....

Tell me, what did happen to us.really.

I'm still stand here.and speechless.

Hai fellas! :D

I wanna have a tattoo! yup! a tattoo not just a temporary tattoo, but a reaaaall tattoo.
I'm not interested with big tattoos, I think that's too much, scary and that's not too sexy for a woman :) Yah medium size is perfect! :D I wanna have one my right of my neck!

But my parents will totally disagree with this! They will not allowed me to scratch my body

my mama said" emang kalo uda nenek kamu mau tattoo nya keriput keriput gituu?"
me:iya ya masak nenek nenek punya tattoo?"

So I'm not too excited anymore. besides that i cannot imagine how painfull it will be!
but the pain is sexy!HUAHH..confuse

and they reaaally inspiredd meee!!
her sparkling stars looks damn sexy!

And this will always be my favourite ! Nicole Richie tattoos. She has nine and a half tattoos.
She made her own fashion statement by getting her body inked with tattoos.

Her father ,Lionel Richie wrote a song for her about ballerina slippers when she was little. To commemorate the song she had the slippers tattooed on her hip.

On her left wrist, she has the word "Virgin" tattooed because she is a Virgo.


She has a pair of angel wings found on her shoulder blades. They are both quite small , about three or four inches in length and appear to be colored in orange or faded red. Some may say that these are "Indian Summer" colors. Cute and sexy!

Like father like daughter Kelly Osbourne and Ozzy Osbourne share the same love for tattoos. If you were a fan of The Osbourne’s MTV reality show you know that Kelly got her first tattoo on the show a small pink heart on her hip. Look a keyboard on the back of her right forearm.I looovee that!

fairy tattoo.

Justin Timberlake's tattoo."What Goes Arround?"

Maybe I will have one when i grow up.maybee...


Happy Independence Dayss! INDONESIA!
and because today is Indonesia days.. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia! :)
Seperti post ku sebelumnya, ak pingin bangettt bisa ikutan lomba! Kangen masa masa muda*berasa uda tua sekarang* Teriak teriak nyemangatin, caci maki ketololan teman waktu lomba...huaahhh!
KANGEN masa jebot! Jadi menjelang detik detik 17an agustus beberapa hari ini ak cari tempat lomba, trus akhirnya mama kasi tau ada stasiun radio nyelenggarain lomba ..!Sumpa! semangat '45 ak! tempat nya deket rumah pula, tinggal ngesot...
Ak langsung cari personil yang mau d ajakin lomba, soalnya lomba ini butuh bikin group*isi nya 4 orang* Telpon telpon, sms sms, cari temen yang bisa d ajakin gila lomba!
Dan akhirnya terkumpulah "Disa, Alex, Ricie, Uniq"

G nyangka mreka juga excited ikutt lombaa!ahiakhiak...
Sesuai ketentuan lomba, tiap kelompok harus bikin nama kelompok dan yel yel...

Minggu sore ak, alex ke rumah disa buat rembukin...apa nama kelompok kita...nama yang kece, mboiz, macho, rawrr, dan menggelinjang...yah gituuu laaahhhh....
ga ada inspirasi.

telepon ricie*kesalahan terbesar*

(loudspeaker):cie cari no nama kelompok kita...
ricie:germo group
disa unik alex:..............................*lirik lirikan*
unik: namaa makanan aja gimanaa?!
alex: cilok! CRT!
:opo iku lex?

unik:Cilok Racing Team
kita semuaa:buahahahhaha....ketawa guling2!

disa:cilok terbang ae!
yahhh...setelah itu muncul pembicaraan ga MUTU! nama aneh aneh, ga masuk akal, erotis, jorok semua muncul! mawar berduri, okerio, singa laut putih, geleman, Hannah Montana*heh?*, Sumber Urip, Pocoyo, Power Ranger nama warung favorit Aroda dan selanjutnya sensor*yang pastinya hasil pemikiran ricie*

INTINYA: ga ada nama yang keren, cool, mboiz seperti yang kita pengen! Setelah telpon2nan ga jelas selama 30 menit itu,akhirnya muncul nama RED-A yang merupakan singkatan dari nama kita Ricie,Eunike,Disa,Alex! MAKSSA!sumpaaa gatauu koq bisa nama kelompok kita identik dengan lipstick! Ga ada filosofi nya kata Disa! Tapi karenaa otak kita pas-pas an,akahirnya RED A kita pilih! Dhar!
Kita bener uda semangat '45 apalagi setelah d suplai rawon Tessy.

next, kita nyuci mobil alx d car wash .
Sambil kita nungguin mobinya mandi..kita nyiptain yel yel nya, sama joget joget geje.

jam 2.30 si mobil uda slesai mandi
semangat lagiii! tiba-tiba d jalan si mobil jadi aneh, ngecit ngecit ga jelas. balik ke carwash nya. ahhh..cuuut the story!karena ak bener2 ga ngerti masalah mobil. pokoknya setelah dari carwash kita langsung meluncur ke tempat lomba.tapi muacet nya masyaowooo..karnaval d mana-mana, jalan d tutup d mana mana.kita muter muter sampe bego!

kita telat 1 jam!
Sampe sana kita malu malu, soalnya dateng telat.dan bener kita uda di diskualifikasi 2 lomba..
Malu...pluus nama kita d sebut kenceng2.uda kayak kelompok SPG Red A
akhirnya ga tau malu kita pede ikutan lomba

waktu itu lg lomba balap karung

kita sepakat alx yang majuu!
babak pertamaa mahhh cupuuu.lawan nya anak kecil
babak kedua beghhhh menaaangg lagiiii...sikkaaattt....
babak ketiga*penentuan juara 1* deg deg seerr..mengingat si bapak Laskar itu juga cukup lincahhh.
Apalagi suporter nya heboh teriak teriak semangatt poll!Wahh langsung menciut kitaa...
Eitsss..ternyataa si Alx menangg!huahhaha!
Ga nyangka uda dateng telat, bekal pede trus tiba2 juara 1....buahahhah! Lanjjuuutt...lomba bola joget, jadi sepak bola sambil joget joget gitu laaahhh... Tapi kita kalah padahal kita uda total nari joget joget... gapapa kitaa juara 1 balap karung 2009!!Bangga!

Senaangg...hope the next year will be great and fantastic!
Tiduuurr aaahhh...
salam ibu peri :p

I'm getting fat!OMAIGOD!

Yum yum! 2 days ago I made cookies with Yoevieta..Yahh we are not really good on this.. :)
so we asked to our uncle to help us..he and his wife have a bakery..Both of them are great in this..They makes so many variation of cookies, bread, roll cake,anything they can make...So we learn from expert people..:D
It was a great day! mess everywhere, dirty, dirty, laugh! We got a duper experience, we mixed the inggridents, molded, baked, drawed with icing...Anndd we loveee the result...not perfect actually..but for newbie like us they looks perfecto... :D
And hereee theyy areee....

Uh was not easy to drawed them...believe it or not, we need about 3 hour to drawed them..only for draw!Look on my shinny face...fiuhh...

She made a cute cookie monster!

He was so patient to teach us! thankss suk!

Freeesh from oveen....ukkhhh..warmy warmy... :O

Jreng jreng..heree theyy aree....we baked many of different cookies..There are so many variations...Silly faces, our name, colourfull fish, panda, mickey... and hey I made for my fam too hehe..I scratch their name in my cookies..

Yah they look like prety nice ya?hehe... hey! Do you curious about the flavour? They really delicious..crunchy and soft. I'm telling the truth! Yah for me they taste good..:)

Times moving so fast, independence days is near...And I really want to join *contest or competition* !Like catch eel, eat krupuk, balap karung! Like good old times heheh... Today I went to school with my friend, and obviously they have LOMBAAA... They were so hilarious and silly.. I laughed so much, until I was not relaise that I cried yahh... baby cried! I really miss my great damn high school moment! Miss miss miss so muchhhh...... I miss my friends so badly.. I really miss the lomba! Damn..I'm gonna cry again...

Indomie rocks! :)

Couple of days ago, unintentionally I caught Indomie's fan site in Facebook...And I joined..I heart it soo much! The taste is damn delicious and makes me want it more, more and more....
who doesn't?! Most people love it, *especially the one with the white package .I give it a 100!* housewifes, students, especially students who lives in boarding houses*like me*, backpacker, aaahh anyone should lovin' it...Raise up your hands if you are agree with me! :)

And what is suprising?! This fans site has about 194.000 fans...And the fans are not from Indonesian or Asian too..but people from the any entire world love it so muchh.. from Europe until Africa!
But sadly there is one picture ,a woman *she seems not from Asia*who loves Indomie too, but she didn't believe that Indomie is from Indonesia, she is really sure that Indomie comes from Malaysia!how stupid is she! INDO-MIE:Indonesia mie*noodles* dummy....

Anyway, I proud of this "mie instant" not only from the yummy taste but it only cost Rp 1000,00 in warung-warung, but if you go abroad you will need about $12 per box...yeah!

I don't know how this "MSG noodle" can make so many people A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D ,even if it is absoultelly not good for our health.huh...I don't careee...

Indomieee seleraaakuuuu.....:D

a mie goreng a day, keeps the doctor well paid! LOL. i love this quote. :D


I want all them in my bed!Indonesian student who is studying in Australia.

It is from Australia too .
He use the Indomie box for CPU!
Innovative and creative!

Nachos!Iwant try it too :)

It is where Greece meets Indonesia :)