Well a couple weeks ago I just turned 20 and you know what, i kept thinkin about it like everyday single day. Frankly it was freaking me out! well like SOME mature people say, you have to be ready for more and more responsibilities, no more fun and games and foolin around.
So I'm not that excited for my birthday, major bummer.. I'm not counting down days like i used to, it's sooo yesterday. I'm gonna give you guys the low down about what happened a couple of hours before my birthday, see me and some friends went out to a little cafe, its called Melly's, we planned to stay there until twelve, so we started chit chating, but up until around eleven it became so uncomfortable there (don't ask me why, long story) so we decided to go to Vhey's apartment for some drinks.
There we did crazy things, like we taking pictures and stuff, sometime around midnight Vhey went to the kitchen and pulled out a BIRTHDAY CAKE!!
I was soooo surprised, I didn't expect that she had put that much trouble on to it. Also DM came from this thing he had, i thought he wasn't gonna come. So after that....you guessed it we took MORE pictures, and things started to went outta control. Cake and crazy people isn't a very good combination. Pieces of tart started flying across the room, followed by a handful to my face. uurgh!! Things start to calm down after we ran out of cake. And the result? TURMOIL.. there was icing everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE.. floors, walls, sofas.. That's pretty much it.. Lately I realized that what's important is the people who was with you through your birthday, not present or gifts.