Dutty Love

I'm so excited to tell ya, about it, I've found a lovely classic bag at my mom rooms..when I found it, the bag just being neglected, and my mom was just gonna throw it away, and luckily I found it before she did..It's so dusty and smell old..for me it's smell exquisite!


I wore it this afternoon when I visited a new cafe in my town,ignore my crapy face, this town has successfully made me fatter! :( how can you resist all the tempting and ridiculously cheap foods here..
This songs is stuck in my head, and I can't let it go from my mind..it keeps me company for these past few days, I just play it over and over again..it's actually can be your mood booster,try it! :)


What if you would just come right out of these clothes
You can finally feel the wind when it blows
Don't be scared to be free to let go, show it off
Feel like letting go

I miss the bell sounds on that boarding house.

Dua hari yang lalu sewaktu awal lebaran kita sekeluarga di kejutkan sebuah berita,we on our way to holiday, and then somebody called my Dad..
tetangga, konselor, sekaligus teman buat kita telah meninggal dunia..
one of the sincerest person I got.

Kabar ini jelas membuat sekeluarga terpukul, dia orang yang sangat inspiratif karena ketulusan dan kegigihan nya..dia begitu dekat dengan keluarga kita, dia orang yang sangat tulus dan tidak perna sedikit pun pamrih untuk menolong orang, dan ga jarang dia menolong orang tanpa memikirkan diri nya sendiri. Orang yang sangat sederhana tapi dia mau menolong anak-anak yang kurang mampu dengan mendirikan sebuah asrama,orang yang sangat ramah dan seorang pendoa yang kalo ketemu selalu bilang"Mama kamu tu ga pernah berhenti untuk mendoakan kamu"dan itu selalu membuat saya semangat di Jakarta.
Dia pun meninggal kan kita semua karena ketulusan nya, menolong 3 remaja yang terseret ombak di pantai, sewaktu dia sedang berlibur dengan keluarga dan anak-anak asrama nya..
Yang membuat saya miris, bagaimana dengan keluarga yang ditinggalkan nya?kelima anak nya yang masih sangat kecil, bagaimana yayasan yang didirikan nya?bagaimana nasib anak didiknya?
because I never found a sincerest person in my life like that man..

Ga ada yang menyangka kabar tentang kepergiaanya, di saat dia masih punya banyak visi dan misi yang harus dicapai, begitu pun kita hidup di dunia ini seolah-olah mengabaikan kematian,"Ahh itu masih nanti.." We forget about death.Kita terlalu sibuk dengan our own busy life..Kita terlalu menghambur2kan waktu kita di dunia ini.Kita ga akan pernah tau kapan waktu kita tiba, kapan Tuhan bilang"Sudah selesai"
Kita di dunia ini pasti punya mission ato goal, dan ga asik kalo hidup ini waktu kita buang dengan percuma.When my time come,saya ga mau jadi orang yang cuma nyesekin kota, I have to be something special. Kepergian Pak Tim sungguh membuat saya tertampar, berbondong bondong orang datang ke pemakaman nya, rela ngantri, rela hujan-hujan an, datang macet2an dari luar kota, tujuan nya hanya satu to see his last time, dan orang begitu rela untuk datang ke pemakaman nya karena dia begitu spesial bagi kita. Waktu kita sedikit, seperti Mama selalu bilang"hidup ini di ibaratkan hanya untuk mampir ngombe/minum"Dan apakah waktu yang sangat sedikit itu bener-bener kita gunakan?

Selamat jalan Pak Tim,thanks for inspires us..

my sweet tooth: a bite of strawbery ice cream

Having a strawberry ice cream in the rainy afternoon was so comforting.I enjoyed this gloomy afternoon by sitting at cafee with the nerdy dude while he doing his assignments.. So I just enjoyed my ice cream,it was called Triple Strawberry, and it's so hmmm.. yum! I also brought my lappie with me, and they have free wi-fi there, without any username and password required..yahoo!

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I kept thinking about my unstable emotions, lately... I didn't realize that it's effect to my health conditions, last day I checked up with my mom, 'cause my mom realized there were something wrong with my health, lets cut to the chase here... The doctor said that the disease came up cause I get stressed often, and if I kept on like these, it'll get worse. and she said that I need more relax time, and she suggested me to joined Yoga,err...Not for a second ever thought about it, I know that I'm full of anxiety, but I never thought that it would go that far.

Frankly, I used to be an ignorant person, but deep inside I always care about the little things,yap the little unnecessary things, even I know that they are crappy things.. I don't know if all of this is making sense.

For the meanwhile, I'm gonna stop thinking about all the negativity and start focusing to be more positive. Life's a highway, and I wanna ride it all night long. ;)